Because of many request and interest of delighted Wing Tzun people from all over the world showing interest in our training and exercises, we will offer training videos regularly and also a live-online-training shortly.
The long distance or time issues affect pople not to participate at the training with Cengiz. In order to stay in touch closely and regularly, we extend out training of live online trainings. This will be in form of group or single training. The opoortunity to take exams will also be possible.
Through the regular contact and the additional training the efficency and quality of the training will be improved, on the other hand it will also strengthen the team spirit and solidartity within the organization.
All members of the WING TZUN REFLEX DEFENSE SYSTEMS organization can participate at thise online sessions.
You will hear from me about this shortly.
If you wish we can also alert you via E-Mail of the begin of these sessions.
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